E3, sustainable ambition to share together
Hager is particularly careful of the impact of its industrial activities on the environment. That's why Hager Group carries out concepts and techniques such as eco-design and eco-production that allow the reduction and optimized recovery of the production waste.

During the last 55 years the Hager Group has expanded from a small, regional 'sapling' to a global player with over 10,000 employees. Growing at such a speed certainly needs solid roots – or seen from an electronic point of view, one needs to be well grounded. And with the Hager Group, this is based on the fact that we are still a real family business.
As is commonplace in family life, we connect with our employees and business contacts in a friendly and responsible way. This becomes more challenging the larger, more diverse and more international the Hager family becomes – so for this very reason, we make an extra effort to cultivate and foster our established core values.
Supporting and challenging employees
Each member of a family has their responsibilities. In our case, by encouraging individuals, we help each employee fulfil his or her role, expand their competences and perform their tasks. At the same time, we do everything to strengthen individual teams within the Hager Group so as to create highly productive 'family units' within the whole company.
Ongoing improvement in the working environment
The test of a community becomes evident in how it deals with difficulties. This is where the Hager Group Care Management steps in by assessing and making sure that individual working conditions are healthy, safe and as pleasant as possible.
Starting at the Hager Group means "welcome to the family!"

Even though the Hager Group has long since come of age, there is one issue where we prefer to slip back into the shoes we wore when our company was smaller: the carbon footprint we are leaving the generations to come.
That is why we keep the less environmentally friendly material' to an absolute minimum – by reducing raw materials, energy consumption, emissions, transport routes and disposal costs.
Healthy growth
A forward-thinking mindset also evokes another thought – healthy growth. As with every business enterprise, the Hager Group wants to expand. But we wish to do so in a way that both humanity and the environment remain healthy in the long term. Real ecological progress then, can only be realized when one has one’s feet firmly on solid, unsoiled ground.
The following links will help you see how our company is taking steps to ease the burden and make the environment sustainable in the long term. Why not try our ‘minimalist approach' too – it’s the wisest way forward in business!
Eco efficiency

Raising energy awareness
In order to save energy, one first of all needs to know how much different appliances consume and at which times.
By using innovative visualisation systems such as the Hager EnergyCockpit, we show you the exact energy levels being used. This way you wise up to consumption levels.
Reducing energy consumption
First the realisation, then the reduction. One way to save is to turn off the big power consuming items. A better alternative is to switch on with Hager, especially as many of our products such as dimmers, thermostats, motion and occupancy detectors actively help you reduce your energy costs. Instead of looking at things unmethodically, one can now take a systematic approach by linking up all the devices used through an intelligent tebis KNX building monitoring unit.
Promoting renewable energy
The most comprehensive and environmentally friendliest savings potential is to be found in renewable energies. These are not only infinitely available, but their energy is free. With the use of Hager systems, renewable resources can be integrated into your energy equation over the long term – for example with intelligent metering, photovoltaic energy and also with charging stations for expanding electric vehicle mobility.